2B, CVC Elohim Manor, Opp Airmen Selection Centre, Mavelipuram, Kakkanad, Kochi-682030, Kerala, India
For hotel owners who wish to grow their business, ensure guest satisfaction and loyalty to their brand, investing in Hospitality Software ORTEZ PMS is no longer an option – it’s a necessity.
Designed to simplify frontend and backend operations, Ortez PMS Hotel Management System is one of the most comprehensive hotel management ERP solutions available today..
Right from reservation to inventory management housekeeping and financial accounting, our ORTEZ PMS hotel management software in India integrates all essential operations to simplify everyday functionality for hotel personnel. What’s more… with Ortez PMS hospitality ERP software, Online MIS Options you have the convenience of anytime, anywhere access.
With over 400 hotels using our ORTEZ ERP designed for the hospitality industry, you can be assured of reliable service support with a proven track record!
An ideal solution for hotel chains, OrTez CRS (Central Reservation System) a part of Ortez PMS Hotel ERP System offers a real-time, best in class, end-to-end reservation system for multiple properties that can be managed from a central reservation office. OrTez CRS brings the entire reservation related information of all your group properties to a single platform. From CRS your sales and reservation team can access availability of accommodation, room rates and special rates from a central reservation office. OrTez CRS hosted on a cloud facilitates the information to be available to your team while they are on the move as well.
Web Based Access, Multiple property Reservation from a single window, Ideal for Hotel Chains & Marketing companies, Integrates with each property in the chain, Check live availability of each property from a single window, Allocation of inventory distributed to various OTAS/Intermediaries/travel agents etc. Integrated with prominent channel managers.
Informative Dash Board with consolidated and property wise Current date reservations, Occupancy for the coming week, Reservations to follow up, Reservation performance of previous week, Current date cancellations, Arrivals for the coming week, Cancellations of previous week, Tentative reservations expiring, OTA performance analysis etc.
OrTez Online Reservation is a web based booking engine that integrates the hotel website with Ortez PMS hospitality ERP software and enable real time confirmation of room booking for customers. This will drive more business by converting lookers on your website to instant bookers that translate into revenue. Realtime integration of OrTez Online Reservation with your PMS allows inventory distribution seamless with your availability. Integration with payment gateway facilitates online payment processing with credit/debit card thereby ensuring prepaid bookings. Also integrated with Channel Managers which helps to balance the room inventory to avoid overbooking.
Drive tangible sales through your website, Instant booking confirmation for guests, Save TAC with direct guest bookings, Integrate booking confirmation with your PMS, Real time distribution of inventory by integration with PMS.
OrTez PMS, an efficient hotel crm solution offers a State of the Art Front Office Reservation and Billing System that equips your Front Office with tools to maximise bookings and increase revenue like never before.
Front Office Console, Reservation Console, Regular Reservation, Uneven Reservations, WalkinCheckin, Reserved Checkin, Room Sharing, Group Checkin, Room Shift, Advances, Final Bills, Split Bills, GST Billing, Business Centre Billing,Multiple Credit Settlement, Group Billing, Partial Settlements, Night Audit, Room Blocking, Advance Transfer, Tariff Calendar, Agent Specific Tariff, Guest History, Roomwise Reservation, Cutoff Date for Reservation, Forward Room Status.
Occupancy Chart, Reservation Details, Checkin Details, Departures, Checkout Details, Receipts/Payment Details, Collection Report, Final Bill Details, Settlement Details, Roomwise Outstanding, Reservation vs Checkin, Room Availability, Tabular Ledger, Room Revenue Report, City Ledger, GST/Tax Reports, No Show Reservations.
The F&B Billing module of OrTez PMS is a highly efficient, user friendly and feature rich software with inherent checks and controls for effective cost and credit management which is basic requirement for a Hotel billing software
. Our POS allow fast processing of KOTs/BOTs, Bills and Bill settlement ensuring greater manpower efficiency and high reliability. POS variants include POS, Touch POS, Mobile POS and e-Menu.
KOT, Billing, Mutliple Outlets, Table Wise Order, Outlet wise Item Rate, Order Modfiers, KOT Print to Kitchen, Direct Billing from Order, Promotion Schemes by Time, Pending Orders, Order/ Bill History, Easy Billing, Authorisation for Discount, Service Charges, Split Bills, Multiple Credit Settlement, Unsettled Bills, Total Slip, Advances, NC KOT, Table Status.
Sales Report by Outlet, Sales Report by Captain, ltemwise Sales, Groupwise Sales, Order Details, Unsettled Bills Details, Complimentary Bills Details, Day Book, Tax Summary, Item Menu, Collection Report, HOT Details, Transaction Summary.
OrTez Store Manager offers a solution for the complete inventory management cycle starting from intend to purchase order, approvals and GRN with provisions for online material request and issues to facilitate paper less management of inventory making it a unique hotel erp system. Flexible grouping of items with multiple units and conversion factor combined with multiple store options ensure that you have precise control on the inventory.
Opening Stock, Purchase Order, Standing Order, GRN, Multiple Units with Conversion Factor, Purchase Return, Store Request, Store Issue, Issue Return, Stock Transfer, Damaged Stock, Physical Stock Verifications, Authorisation for Transactions, Multilevel Item Grouping, Multiple Stores, Min / Max / Reorder Quantity Setting, Track Expiry and Batch Code.
Purchase Order Details, GRN Details, Report of Store Request, Issue Details, Item List, Stock Transfer Information, Physical Stock Report, Damaged Stock Details, Stock Ledger, Stock Report, Stock Value Report, GST Report.
Coupled with F&B PoS module this software allows the chef to maintain the food cost to defined levels.Flexible options of costing based on individual item wise recipe or total consumption allows the chef to maintain the food cost to defined levels.
Recipe Management, Chef's Request, Closing Stock Updates, Production, Costing Based on Recipe, Issue Based Costing, Total Consumption Based Costing.
Consumption and Food Cost, Reference Cost, Kitchen Request Details, Issue Details, Kitchen Stock Ledger, Kitchen Stock Report, Closing Stock Details.
Integrated with all the cost and revenue modules of OrTez with flexible posting options, this software is adaptable to a wide range of accounting requirements.
General Ledgers, Receivables, Payables, Account Groups, Multiple Cash Books, Multiple Bank Books, Payment Vouchers, Receipts, Journal Vouchers, Interface with Operations Modules, Bank Reconciliation, Bill Settlements, Reminder Letters. Trial Balance, Ledger Reports, Cash Book, Bank Book, Day Book, Trading and P&L, Balance Sheet, Dr/Cr Ageing Analysis.
OrTez Banquet Manager offers graphical availability charts with hourly status indicator which proves to be the best tool for banquet managers to ensure greater menu control and function management.
Define Banquet Halls, Hall Reservation, Tentative Reservation, Multiple Dates Booking, Graphical Halls Status Console, Hourly Availability Chart, Reservation Advance, Set Menu for Function Booked, Additional Hall Booking, Banquet KOT, Banquet Bills, Multiple Settlement Options.
Hall Booking Register, Dish Booking Register, Additional Hall and Facilities Register, List of Arrivals, Departures, Collection Report, Function Prospectus, Final Bills Register.
Interlace With EPBX, Extension Groups, Set Call Rates by Group, Tariff by Destination, Call Billing, Multiple Settlement Options, Post Telephone Bills to Guest Folio, Online Call Data, Extension Status Control, Wakeup Call Setting.
Call Bill Register, Call Details by Extension / Junction.
Integrated to the EPBX system, this is a precision call billing software that offer easy call monitoring and control of call cost.
The housekeeping modules ensures precise control of linen stock as well as keeps a track of checkout cleaning and routine housekeeping duties.
Room Status Console, Block/ Unblock Rooms, Dirty Room Indication, Issue to rooms, Group Issues, Issue Returns, Lost and Found Reporting, Linen Control, Periodic Cleaning, Extra bed Supplies, Mini Bar Issue, Mini Bar Billing.
Lost and Found Register, Periodic Cleaning Reports, Checkout Cleaning Reports, Occupancy Chart, Arrivals, Departures, Issue Details, Mini Bar Issue Details, Mini Bar Sales Details, HK Stock Ledger, HK Complimentary Bills.
This system allows direct billing for in-house laundering as well as issue and return management from vendors of third party laundering.
Guest Laundry Collection, Staff Chargeable Laundry, Express Laundry, Direct Bill from Collection, Issue to vendor, Laundry Gate Pass, Return from Vendor, Laundry Billing, Multiple Settlement modes, Guest Laundry Rates, Vendor Rates.
Collection Details, Issue to Vendor Details, Pending Stock with Vendor, Returned Item Details, Bill Details.
Acclaimed by HR experts the software offers flexible and easily configurable features and facilities that makes it user-friendly and accurate. Online Leave and Employee Loan processing features of OrTez Payroll makes your personnel department less paper dependent. It is also linked with the financial accounting and other modules of OrTez for effective financial control and user access control.
Salary Components, Fixed / Slab / Formula for Components, Holiday Calendar, Shift Allocation, Multiple Shifts, Loan Request & Approval, Leave Request & Approval, Attendance Processing, Attendance Machine Interface, Salary Processing, Salary Slip.
Payroll Report, Staff Benefits Report, Loan Request and Approval Report, Leave Request and Approval Reports, Leave Balance Reports,Staff Birthdays and Anniversaries, Employee List and History, Statutory Reports.
Right information at the right time is critical to businesssuccess.Online MIS is an interactive web based tool designed to help you know your property status from anywhere, anytime, if you have access to internet. Key reports from different department can be accessed over a web browser. Informative reports, in depth analysis of data and graphical operational and performance indicators are benefits.
Web based access, Multiple access, Login from anywhere, anytime, Real time updated Dash Board with graphical indications, Occupancy Summary, Reservation Summary, Room Status, Average Summary, Revenue summary, Quick glance on exceptions, F&B Collection Summary by Bill point and Outlet wise, Separate Dashboard for FO and POS indicating key information, Peak performance analysis. Module wise analysis.
Key reports from all revenue generated modules, drill down facility, consolidated reports.
Email reporting for those of you who are always on the move and does not have the time to sit and login to the online MIS. This module generates predefined reports at a preset time and send the reports to your designated email id’s without any manual intervention from the property.
This module will help you to send summary of transactions to the designated mobile numbers at the end of the day in a brief text message. The module also can alert you on new reservations, check in, bill cancellations, Modifications, Delayed Service etc and keep you abreast with all key activities at your business. Send Guest messages like greetings, “welcome” notes, “thank you” notes to maintain essential guest relationship that can convert to repeat business. Designed to send out promotional messages to guests, SMS modules prove to be an excellent marketing tool to communicate Special Events, Discount Offers etc.
Ortez’s in-house technology experts are dedicated to delivering high-quality service for hotel CRM solutions, with minimal waiting time.
Monitor your business revenue and total expenses with Ortez’s integrated hotel billing software and financial accounting module.
The online reservation system combines the hotel website with Ortez PMS hotel management system to enable real-time booking, integrating a payment gateway.
Users can choose from modules under the hospitality ORTEZ ERP umbrella for hotel operations that they wish to automate.
Integrated with Online MIS, this ORTEZ ERP system enables users to access in-depth analysis reports in data or graph format on-the-go.
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Send us an email or give us a call and we will arrange a consultation right away.
We take time to understand the scope of your business, your challenges and shortcomings. We will give you a demo of the services we offer and how you will benefit from them.
Once you’ve decided on the solutions and modules that work best for you, our technical team will do the needful to integrate the software at Your Location and train all members of your team to use the system efficiently. You can also depend on us for prompt after-sales service.